Episode 022 – Jessica Yarbrough- Get high paying clients

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About Jessica

Jessica Yarbrough, The Mompreneur Coach, is a successful entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and business coach. She is also the creator of the 6 Figure Mama, a coaching program designed to support women in launching their dream business. Her expertise includes being an accomplished branding, strategy, and digital marketing expert. She brings more than a decade of marketing experience to her coaching programs.

Her achievements include starting her own successful marketing consulting agency, building multiple start-ups worldwide, and supporting entrepreneurs to launch their own products and services. As a single mother, her mission is to support moms with the tools, tactics, and resources to build a 6 figure business they can run from home. Jessica holds a B.A. in International Business and Marketing from San Diego State University. She has lived on three continents and currently resides in San Diego, California with her daughter.

In this podcast we talk about

  1. Getting crystal clear around your business vision and strategy
  2. How to quadruple your coaching/consulting income without going crazy!
  3. Becoming a magnet to attract clients that resonate with you and your message.



Connect with her

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mompreneurmastermindgroup/

FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/themompreneurcoach

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themompreneurcoach/

Twitter: @6FigureMama

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