(49) Your future is so bright – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Nine (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression)

Your Future is so bright

A year or so ago I found some of my old journals from high school. In my journals I talked about my crushes and how I “super-duper” crushed on this guy, but I was only “minorly crushing” on this other guy. It was so cute and so funny. One entry that really stood out to me though was the one about college. I was wailing about how life is not fair, and how I would probably not be able to go to college because my parents would not be able to afford it, and I probably would not be able to get much scholarships. My life was definitely OVER!

Looking back now many years later, I did go to college, I got some scholarships and my parents paid for the rest, and I also went to law school on a full scholarship, I want to turn back time and tell myself “girl stop worrying your future is so bright!”

One day you will be a fancy lawyer/writer/blogger/cool person so don’t worry about it.

Whenever I face challenges today I try to remember those times and how I felt like even God could not fix this situation. But of course I was wrong. So if I was wrong then, I’m sure I will be wrong again…it may seem impossible, but with God Impossible is NOTHING!

Remember your future is so bright I have to squint to look at it!

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