(53) Remember God does not ordain loneliness – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Fifty-Three  (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression)

Remember God does not ordain loneliness

There are so many scriptures in the Bible where God calls us to separate ourselves for Him. To take some time out just spending time with Him. He wants us to be alone with Him, so we can quietly learn what He wants to teach us. I remember when I first started learning about the love and grace of God. I couldn’t sleep during the night, I spent so many hours reading the Bible and listening to Andrew Wommack’s CD’s about the goodness of God. It had started out being one of the hardest years of my life (break ups & major life decisions), but it ended up being a year of tremendous growth.

The dictionary defines the difference between lonely and being alone.

Lonely: affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressingfeeling of being alone; lonesome.

Alone: separate, apart, or isolated from others.


It’s hard to fight the depression if you think God is the one oppressing you with loneliness.

Yes God wants us to take time out to separate from others and spend time with Him, but He never wants us feeling depressed about being alone in His presence — Don’t be fooled by the devil. Fight him! Resist Him!


Let the peace of God envelope you! Selah!

 Want to learn more about beating loneliness? Click here