Michael Jackson is DEAD.

It’s been over a year now since Michael Jackson Died (June 25, 2009)…and I can still remember the chaos and commotion caused by his death. Many people were sad, depressed and angry. Many people wondered why he had to die…He was so young, so talented, so wonderful…why him?

Yes Michael Jackson was a great singer, dancer, performer, entertainer and all around artist…but he was NOT a great man.

Why is it that we so easily esteem these celebrities for what they portray on TV and completely separate them from their character and their moral failures. I agree no one is perfect, after all even great king David committed adultery and murder, but the important thing is that he realized he was wrong and turned away from it…

This is not a blog to belittle MJ…He did his thing- but doing his own thing was the problem. We need to change our value system and start to see greatness the way God sees greatness. The man and woman that handle their responsibilities and protect their marriage consistently, the worker who is always honest and always hardworking, the child who always honors his parents, the everyday person who obeys the law – those are all examples of great people…

Let us start looking at things in the light of eternity, and not in the light of our feelings, or what Hollywood tells us is great…Test everything under the light of God’s word… Remember the judgment seat of Christ, and how you will give an account of how you spent every second of your life…

Here is a quick and easy test- If anything or anyone gets you excited or gets you talking more than God does…YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.