Virtual Summits can be confusing for some people, but when you talk about some of the benefits of participating in the virtual summit, then you will see their eyes light up.
In the Last post I talked about what I learned about participants at events, if you didn’t read it yet – you can click here to read it.
Today I want to talk about how you can talk about virtual summits without talking about virtual summits
See the thing is there are many people who know what a virtual summit is, but there are also a lot of people who don’t know what a virtual summit is, so you always need to be sharing the benefits, and you always need to be talking about something that is interesting to them so that you can get access to them.
For example my talk was teaching people how to create websites.
Now you might say that creating websites has nothing to do with virtual summits, but actually it does.
See if a bootstrapper was planning to create a virtual summit then they would either need to know how to create a website or how to talk to the person who will be creating the website for them.
In virtual summit camp we take you through the process of learning how to use WordPress to create your website, and even if you never create your website yourself, one thing you can be confident knowing is that you will never be stranded if your web developer disappears.
How about you? What are some things that you could teach about – that will ultimately attract people to your virtual summit?
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