Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

Do you speak, and people don’t listen? Do you wish that people would listen to what you have to say? Do you wish that people would stop misinterpreting your comments? Do you want to become a better speaker, and a better human being? Then watch the video below: Lorenz Seidler via Compfight P.S. if you …

There's nothing wrong with making money

making money – I don’t have problems with people who want to make money, and I definitely don’t have problems with people who like money, but what I don’t understand are those who want to make money without working. Begging – There are those that are always begging for money, Can someone please explain how …

Womanhood – dropping balls

Do you hear that? Yeah that sound… that’s the sound of balls fallling… I attended an event for professional women the other day, and they talked about how as women, you constantly have to juggle multiple balls – family, work, church, friends etc. And sometimes you will drop some of the balls… That was a …