38 Critical Books for Business Owners

There was a recent article on Copyblogger entitled: 38 Critical Books Every Blogger Needs to Read But it’s not just for bloggers, it’s for any business person. They broke the books into categories like how to think like an entrepreneur, making the most of your day, etc. Some of the books are:   Outliers*: by …

The ONE thing

There are so many things fighting for your attention. The news. Advertisements. Your job. Your fears. Your disappointments. Everything…and everything else. The problem is that when you get distracted by everything you find yourself going around and around in circles. You feel productive because you feel like you have done so many things today, but …

Sometimes People Lie

Sometimes people lie Like the time the lady asked me to call her ASAP to discuss job opportunities then when I called she told her assistant to tell me to call back in three (3) weeks because she was too busy to talk right now… Or the time when he told me that he slept …