We’ve all heard your excuses. We all know that you would have been successful by now if so and so had helped, or if you had the right connections or if…blah blah blah… We’re tired of your excuses. We need you to just start. Start Now. No funding needed. from Derek Sivers on Vimeo.
Category Archives: Work
I hope you die happy | iyasostuff.com
Okay! Obviously this writing gig is really starting to pick up! Would you like to die happy? I was asked a few days ago to write a guest post on Ayo Adebamowo’s blog, so I thought hard about what I wanted to share… Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about finding purpose, so I knew …
(22) Start a business – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
TWENTY-TWO (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Start a Business What is it that you’ve always been passionate about? What is it that if you did not have to worry about money you would do? What is it that gets you excited and invigorated, that if you had to do it everyday for the …
Continue reading “(22) Start a business – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways”
38 Critical Books for Business Owners
There was a recent article on Copyblogger entitled: 38 Critical Books Every Blogger Needs to Read But it’s not just for bloggers, it’s for any business person. They broke the books into categories like how to think like an entrepreneur, making the most of your day, etc. Some of the books are: Outliers*: by …