How to get full this thanksgiving – 2013

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!!! During this season take the time out to remember everything you’re thankful for. The little things… the big things… the sunrise… the great health… the great family… the great job… the great friends… whatever it is… just remember to be thankful during this thanksgiving season. Have you shared my books with …

Love is when he says "what do you have in mind"

Whenever I ask my husband what his plans are for the day, the night, the weekend, the week, etc, his answers range from saving innocent lives from a burning building, feeding starving kids in Africa or eliminating worldwide poverty to saving a scared cat from a tree — yeah y’all I married superman… But what …

I don't want to be better than you… but I do plan to be great

I’ve never quite understood envy… don’t get me wrong, I understand the desire for what someone has, but I’ve never understood wanting it so badly that you’re willing to harm the other person just to make sure you get it… you’re willing to do whatever is in your power to ensure that if you can’t …

Because he loves you – “For Women Only” (Book Review)

I use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because there are too two types of people in this world – those who can spell, and those who can’t. Wow! It’s been a while since I wrote a book review, but my friends you know that I have not stopped reading… I can’t stop reading, I just keep buying books… because …