We recently bought an item in our apartment and needed help with installation. They sent one of their guys to install, he told us that the item was faulty. Before we were able to pick up the item we had a yelling match with customer service… so we were not looking forward to going back …
Category Archives: God
The devil is the accuser
I have two best friends, one male and one female. My female best friend doesn’t know she’s my best friend… we don’t even call each other best friends, but it there is someone who knows so much about me, and could blackmail me (if not because she has a heart of gold), it would be …
Life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to
So I’m sitting here directly in front of the fan. It’s gotten cooler since the sun set. I would rather be in front of the Airconditioner, but since PHCN (our electricity company in Nigeria) has refused to grace us with their presence, and our generator can only power our fans, I’m working with what I’ve …
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It will always be alright
I used to spend so much time wondering if I would be alright… I remember when I broke up with my ex… I was so nervous… I really liked him, but I had begun to realize that it wasn’t going to work out. I wondered if I would ever like someone else like him again… …
I know that the Lord hath given you the land – fighting fear
Fighting fear: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about God’s promises to us, and how sometimes it’s so hard to believe God when he says he has good things in store for us. I was reading the Joshua 2 the other day, and it really spoke to me Joshua 2:9-11 9 And she said unto the …
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I am a child of God – Prayer & meditation
Meditation: As I talked about in an earlier post, I’ve been working on praying more and spending more time with God. So the first truth I decided to meditate on was “I am a child of God.” It’s such a simple but extremely powerful truth… I was thinking about my Sister in law and my …
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Devote yourself to Prayer
Prayer: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where my life is going, what my purpose is in life, where I want to be 2 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now… and it made me realize that I really need to pray more… I was listening to a speaker and …
The funny thing about heartbreak
The funny thing about heartbreak is that when you’re going through it you feel like you’ve never been hurt like this before and that you’ll never get over it. You feel like the love you once shared was one in a million and you’ll never experience that kind of love again. You think that the …
I'm tired of wishing
I’ve been doing a lot of wishing lately… I’ve been wishing that I hadn’t said that, or hadn’t done that, or that I had taken the opportunity when I had a chance… I’ve been wishing you could understand, wishing you would ask me about it, wishing I could speak boldly and clearly… I’ve been wishing …
If it was up to God Whitney Houston would still be alive
I wrote a post on facebook recently that “if it was up to God Whitney Houston would still be alive” and I got mixed responses. The thing that pains me is that some people speculated that maybe her purpose in life was to bring people to Him through her funeral. This is why many non-christians …
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