(50) Freely make mistakes – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Fifty (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Freely make mistakes I used to  hate driving to places I have never been before. Even when Mr. Tom-Tom is directing me and telling me how to get where I wanted to go safely, I would still get so tense and worry about missing my way or my …

(49) Your future is so bright – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Nine (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Your Future is so bright A year or so ago I found some of my old journals from high school. In my journals I talked about my crushes and how I “super-duper” crushed on this guy, but I was only “minorly crushing” on this other guy. It was …

(48) You never stop thinking – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Eight (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) You never stop thinking The other day I was listening to a podcast about Lays potato chips. Keep in mind that I stopped snacking a few months ago when I learned how snacking messes with our digestive process. But there I was listening to this podcast at 8:24am, …

(47) Transparency and Opaqueness – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Seven (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Transparency and Opaqueness Her: How was your weekend? Me: It was good. I spent some time with my family, which I really enjoyed because I hadn’t seen them in so long. I also got to read this really good book, have you heard of it it’s called… blah …

(46) Be patient with life – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Six (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Be patient with life We all have plans and goals, we all have places we would like to be by certain times. I remember my roommate from College would always say how she wanted to start having kids by 24, and she wanted to be married by 23. …

(45) Please remember my name – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-Five  (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Please Remember my name “Wow that’s a beautiful name! Can I call you ‘O?’” “No please call me Osayi.” It doesn’t matter how challenging a person’s name is, don’t try to make up a pet name for them. If they can take the effort to learn and remember …