Because he loves you – “For Women Only” (Book Review)

I use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because there are too two types of people in this world – those who can spell, and those who can’t. Wow! It’s been a while since I wrote a book review, but my friends you know that I have not stopped reading… I can’t stop reading, I just keep buying books… because …

Don't do these 7 things when you're on your period |

Ahh…the time of the month…your period…aunt flo…whatever you call it… You know that time of the month when you are extra-sensitive and emotional, when everyone seems against you, but you feel as if you’re ready to give your most precious possession away…you feel as if you’re in love like you’ve never been before… Well there …

Can girls protect their kiss? |

One of my greatest concerns is about raising girls. Girls are beautiful and innocent and pure, but this world pushes them to be sexual and sensual. Even Christian girls start believing the lies and feel like they would never be complete or fulfilled if they don’t become more like everyone else. So the question remains, …

Because abortion kills men |

We hear a lot about how women are affected by abortion. We argue between whether it’s a woman’s right to do whatever she wants, or whether the unborn baby should also have a right. We don’t hear too much about the man’s perspective – but who would have guessed it? Abortion actually affects the men …