I get angry sometimes, and all I just want to scream is “It’s not fair.” But life is not fair… The other day, I saw a child about 3 years old, helping his mother carrying the kind of load that I wouldn’t even carry myself. I was furious at the mother, but then I thought, …
Category Archives: Life Lessons
Monday Eye Check – Tummy Problems
Happy Monday Everyone! I know Monday is not very exciting for everyone, and sometimes it’s not exciting for me, but something interesting happened to me yesterday… Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a teensy weensy bit insecure about my tummy… well, it’s not as flat as those girls in the magazines, so It’s always …
My Husband is my Boyfriend
I’ve been thinking for a while how to write this first post… and let’s just say I feel like I’ve procrastinated long enough…so I have to just write as it comes out… Well I got married August 17th, 2013, and I had so much fun! Let me tell you, there were so many things that …
He said "I will always love you" as he said goodbye – breakup
There are two types of breakups in this world – The girl’s perception of what happened, and the guy’s perception of what happened. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a mutual breakup. Nope someone always gets hurt, and sometimes it’s the one that’s doing the breaking up. I remember one ex …
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I know that the Lord hath given you the land – fighting fear
Fighting fear: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about God’s promises to us, and how sometimes it’s so hard to believe God when he says he has good things in store for us. I was reading the Joshua 2 the other day, and it really spoke to me Joshua 2:9-11 9 And she said unto the …
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I am a child of God – Prayer & meditation
Meditation: As I talked about in an earlier post, I’ve been working on praying more and spending more time with God. So the first truth I decided to meditate on was “I am a child of God.” It’s such a simple but extremely powerful truth… I was thinking about my Sister in law and my …
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Is there a man in the house? AKA Bye Bye feminism
Feminism: Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. (Wikipedia) The other day we were having electrical issues in the middle of the night. The electrician was trying to talk us through what to do on the phone, and at some point …
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Devote yourself to Prayer
Prayer: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where my life is going, what my purpose is in life, where I want to be 2 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now… and it made me realize that I really need to pray more… I was listening to a speaker and …
The funny thing about heartbreak
The funny thing about heartbreak is that when you’re going through it you feel like you’ve never been hurt like this before and that you’ll never get over it. You feel like the love you once shared was one in a million and you’ll never experience that kind of love again. You think that the …
Our fragile hearts
Fragile hearts: I have noticed how people tend to talk about their heartbreak and how fragile their hearts are. The funny thing is that although we can talk about the fragility of our hearts, we don’t seem to realize that other people’s hearts are equally fragile. There are people who pride themselves on always speaking …