If God is good…. |iyasostuff.com

So…I hear this a lot… “If God is so good, then why do bad things happen to good people?” or the Christianized version ” I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.” Pretty much people are saying that everything that happens to us comes from God. The good, the bad, …

The stupidity of debt and using OPM | iyasostuff.com

I grew up learning a lot about how to use Other People’s Money (OPM), and how all the smart people were doing it. Debt is great! you can get whatever you want. So why are people so stressed? Why do rich people stay away from debt? Car debt? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIgLyl66QxQ] paycheck to paycheck [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQQ0DI1nv8M]  

Can girls protect their kiss? | iyasostuff.com

One of my greatest concerns is about raising girls. Girls are beautiful and innocent and pure, but this world pushes them to be sexual and sensual. Even Christian girls start believing the lies and feel like they would never be complete or fulfilled if they don’t become more like everyone else. So the question remains, …

Because abortion kills men | iyasostuff.com

We hear a lot about how women are affected by abortion. We argue between whether it’s a woman’s right to do whatever she wants, or whether the unborn baby should also have a right. We don’t hear too much about the man’s perspective – but who would have guessed it? Abortion actually affects the men …

57 Ways to Beat Loneliness and Depression 1-57

Here is everything from 1-57 Let me know what you agree with and disagree with 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-57 It has been an absolute pleasure. Be on the look out for the book – which will be very different, and more thorough. for the next few weeks I will be blogging on lessons …