Book Review: Cupidity

Cupidity: 50 stupid things people do for love (and how to avoid them)* Authors: Haley & Michael DiMarco List Price: 14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4143-2467-8 Trim Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Binding: Softcover Release: January 2010 “You’re a smart person. You really are. Most of the time. So why are you having such trouble making sense …

Views From the Third Floor (Feb. 2010)

P1000864, originally uploaded by iyasOStuff. I just uploaded some pictures that I took during the Philadelphia Snow Storm 2010. These are all unedited pictures. Crisp and very descriptive. Here is a link of all the other pictures as well Enjoy!

Uganda National Task Force Against Homosexuality…& Rick Warren

Just another proof that sometimes its better to listen before you speak. Click here for the full letter to Rick Warren. Click here for Rick Warren’s video to the Uganda pastors. Here are some excerpts Dear Rick Warren, Christmas greetings from the Pro Faith, Family, and Human Rights Leaders here in Uganda. We acknowledge receipt …

Carly Fiorina vs. Tom Campbell…and the demon sheep

[digg=] Politics should not be this complicated! So I’m minding my own business this morning…checking up on the updates on WSJ.Com when I stumbled upon this article that talked about Carly Fiorina, Former HP CEO, and her Ad to help her win the Republican nomination for the California Senate seat. Please watch the ad before …

Go Team Tebow! Go Superbowl!

[digg=] Well who would have thunk that an Ad encouraging people to make the right choice would cause this much of a stir Tebow’s “interesting” response to the controversy (you be the judge) [youtube=] Tebow just wants to express to all that if his mother had taken the doctor’s advice and gotten an abortion, he …