Does "missionary dating" work |

So as a single lady, there are times when you start to wonder if your standards are too high. You start to wonder about that one guy who seems kinda decent, but doesn’t quite agree with your standards on abstinence, or doesn’t quite believe in God the same way you do… You start to rationalize …

Don't do these 7 things when you're on your period |

Ahh…the time of the month…your period…aunt flo…whatever you call it… You know that time of the month when you are extra-sensitive and emotional, when everyone seems against you, but you feel as if you’re ready to give your most precious possession away…you feel as if you’re in love like you’ve never been before… Well there …

I wish I had a bigger butt |

Bigger ButtĀ  This is a man. This is a transgender man. This is a transgender man who wanted a bigger butt. This is what this transgender man did to get a bigger butt. ( inserted “a solution made of cement, superglue, mineral oil, and Fix-A-Flat tire mender”) Please don’t look at him and wonder how …

Relationship Tips for the Holidays |

Relationships are all around us…we have family members, significant others, co-workers…etc. And the holidays can be especially challenging when dealing with these relationships. Pam Farrel wrote an excellent post on the Women of Faith blog yesterday with relationship tips for the holidays. What I really liked about it is that she used “C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S” to spell …