Womanhood – dropping balls

Do you hear that? Yeah that sound… that’s the sound of balls fallling… I attended an event for professional women the other day, and they talked about how as women, you constantly have to juggle multiple balls – family, work, church, friends etc. And sometimes you will drop some of the balls… That was a …

44- he should always let you have your way

hey y’all – It’s time for a new series, that I plan to turn into a book… We would like to talk about relationship fallacies that are ruining our relationships, and how we can fix them… I’m still working on a title, so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it :-). This is …

Choosing the right one – I don't want no fly guy, I just want a shy guy

People often talk about meeting the right one, finding the right one, how do you know he’s the right one etc…. the truth is, there is no “right one” out there just waiting for you so they can have a perfect relationship with you – with no issues. There are lots of bad ones, and …

Choosing the Right One – If I were you I would…

People often talk about meeting the right one, finding the right one, how do you know he’s the right one etc…. the truth is, there is no “right one” out there just waiting for you so they can have a perfect relationship with you – with no issues. There are lots of bad ones, and …

Choosing the right one – The time to manage your man will come, but it's not now

People often talk about meeting the right one, finding the right one, how do you know he’s the right one etc…. the truth is, there is no “right one” out there just waiting for you so they can have a perfect relationship with you – with no issues. There are lots of bad ones, and …

Choosing the right one – I got 99 problems but money ain't one

People often talk about meeting the right one, finding the right one, how do you know he’s the right one etc…. the truth is, there is no “right one” out there just waiting for you so they can have a perfect relationship with you – with no issues. There are lots of bad ones, and …