Every week when we change our bedsheets I get excited. There is something nice about sleeping in clean sheets, that feel fresh and smells clean and freshly laundered. I also like changing the sheets on Mondays because when my husband comes home from work, he always notices and smiles or laughs. Sometimes he laughs because …
Category Archives: Marriage
Love is when he says "what do you have in mind"
Whenever I ask my husband what his plans are for the day, the night, the weekend, the week, etc, his answers range from saving innocent lives from a burning building, feeding starving kids in Africa or eliminating worldwide poverty to saving a scared cat from a tree — yeah y’all I married superman… But what …
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Why love has to be audacious
Audacity, Audacious – I love those words. They connote boldness and courage, in spite of fear – That is love. When my husband proposed to me, he waited until the end of announcements on Sunday morning, called me up to the church, in front of everyone in church at that time, got on his knees …
It's not an inconvenience, it's your life
The other day I was in traffic and I got so upset. I felt like I was wasting so much time… the car in front of us was pumping out black smoke, the lanes had disappeared and it seemed the bus beside us was trying to make a baby with our car… But all of …
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You're so beautiful
The other day I was helping my hubby get ready for work and he stopped and said “you’re so beautiful.” I love it when he does that. See he has to leave for work about one hour before I have to leave, so you can just imagine what I look like while I’m helping him… …
Because he loves you – “For Women Only” (Book Review)
I use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because there are too two types of people in this world – those who can spell, and those who can’t. Wow! It’s been a while since I wrote a book review, but my friends you know that I have not stopped reading… I can’t stop reading, I just keep buying books… because …
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His purpose in life is not to amuse you
I once dated a guy and after a few weeks I told him that I was bored… well I expected him to be my entertainment and to keep me amused and entertained whenever I had free time… but his purpose in life was not to amuse me… it was my duty to amuse myself… Everyone …
Why Married People Need Married Friends
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes being married so different from being single… I used to feel as if not much changed except that the person that gets married is now responsible for more than just themselves, and when you decide to be friends with that person you also choose to be …