Listen to the interview here – it’s less than 30 minutes long. Download the MP3 Audio here. In this interview Phil Wrzensinski, the president and CEO of The Toy Store and Baby Too took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with us about finding purpose in everything we do. And realizing that …
Category Archives: singleness
The Person: Lorraine Esposito (Scarsdale, NY)
Listen to the interview here: it’s only 30 minutes long Download MP3 audio here In this interview I had the opportunity to chat with Lorraine Esposito, a dynamic professional coach in New York. We talked about various things, including what are our personal values, how our environment influences our decisions, the importance of having a …
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Happy Valentine's day
Celebrate with those you love, and those who truly love you! And share your love with the unloved, the needy, the ones who have no one else! Remember that God loves you very much…so whether or not you have that special someone…remember that you are always special to God!
Lord When Will My Life Begin?
Lord When Will My Life Begin?. Just a reminder that the grass is greener right here.
Poem: Yet
This is a guest post by Sofia Marquez. yet, i continue to tend it. and i hope still for a plentiful harvest though it’s all been trampled on by the uncaring hooves of a passing horse. Sofia Marquez graduated from UCLA in 2007. She currently lives in Stockton, CA were she sometimes writes.
Don't say Nothing (Insert Nigerian Accent)
I’m not psychic, if you don’t say anything to me, I will assume that we are okay. Have you ever found yourself worrying and agonizing about what you think somebody else is thinking, and why they acted a certain way? Just when you think you’ve figured out what is actually bothering them, you realize (after …
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I need people, yes I need you
A couple weeks ago we went to the state fair, and my 1 year old niece had a blast! The only problem was that when we got there we realized that we had forgotten to bring the stroller, and going back home was just not an option. Now for all those who have the privilege …
Why should I care?
As a business owner (or artist, storyteller, or human being) the first question you must answer when trying to get a client is “why should anyone care about what you are selling?” What is unique about you? Why should I buy from you and not from the business across the street? Who are you? and …
MLK Jr – Injustice is still here
We must all fight injustice! Here is an excerpt from letter from a Birmingham jail- by Martin Luther King We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights. The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse …
Single and Miserable
Enjoy my Prezi presentation