He said "I will always love you" as he said goodbye – breakup

There are two types of breakups in this world – The girl’s perception of what happened, and the guy’s perception of what happened. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a mutual breakup. Nope someone always gets hurt, and sometimes it’s the one that’s doing the breaking up. I remember one ex …

I am a child of God – Prayer & meditation

Meditation: As I talked about in an earlier post, I’ve been working on praying more and spending more time with God. So the first truth I decided to meditate on was “I am a child of God.” It’s such a simple but extremely powerful truth… I was thinking about my Sister in law and my …

Do you ever say what you mean?

Photo Credit: Jaskirat Singh Bawa via Compfight My former boss was celebrating his 40th wedding anniversary a few months ago and I asked him what was the secret of staying together for so long. And he said “Communication.” “Of course, communication is important” I thought to myself disappointed because I was expecting something more profound, …

I've decided that I'm not going to die (lessons from The Help)

  I recently listened to the audiobook “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett (affiliate link) and the main character’s mother (Skeeter’s mother) said something that was so profound. Skeeter’s mother was dying of cancer, and there was so much going on, she was throwing up, she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, she lost her teeth, lost her …

Does "missionary dating" work | iyasostuff.com

So as a single lady, there are times when you start to wonder if your standards are too high. You start to wonder about that one guy who seems kinda decent, but doesn’t quite agree with your standards on abstinence, or doesn’t quite believe in God the same way you do… You start to rationalize …

Don't do these 7 things when you're on your period | iyasostuff.com

Ahh…the time of the month…your period…aunt flo…whatever you call it… You know that time of the month when you are extra-sensitive and emotional, when everyone seems against you, but you feel as if you’re ready to give your most precious possession away…you feel as if you’re in love like you’ve never been before… Well there …

I wish I had a bigger butt | iyasostuff.com

Bigger ButtĀ  This is a man. This is a transgender man. This is a transgender man who wanted a bigger butt. This is what this transgender man did to get a bigger butt. ( inserted “a solution made of cement, superglue, mineral oil, and Fix-A-Flat tire mender”) Please don’t look at him and wonder how …