Episode 0012 – Ways that you can make more money with your blog today

This Podcast is Sponsored by The MoneyMaking Blog Virtual Summit   Click below to listen In This Podcast we talk about 2 Major ways of earning an income with your blog What to do to start earning an income today What information you need to position yourself to earn an income An in between method …

How to Find Joy and Start a Business in Uncertain Times

Are you thinking of starting a business soon? Well my guest post on smallbizclub.com will help you get started. Here is an excerpt below: There comes a point when you think to yourself “this is not what I expected my life to look like.” When you reach that point you have two options. You can continue …

He said "I will always love you" as he said goodbye – breakup

There are two types of breakups in this world – The girl’s perception of what happened, and the guy’s perception of what happened. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a mutual breakup. Nope someone always gets hurt, and sometimes it’s the one that’s doing the breaking up. I remember one ex …

Leadership is Stewardship (guest post)

Leadership is Stewardship, it is temporary and you’re accountable – Andy Stanley Today I had the privilege of guest blogging on Nuggets for Nobles. Here is a little excerpt: “I’m going to give you two spankings” My sister-in-law told my 3-year-old niece. “One for not listening, and the other for leading your brother to do …