How to prevent or deal with childhood sexual abuse

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…The funny thing is that it is often the most unlikely person that would be found to be abusing children. I guess if the person was likely then he wouldn’t be successful because people will keep their children away from him or her. I do have the notion that it is more likely for men to be the abusers than women, maybe because of the way society paints men as out of control sexual fiends. But even that is not true, it’s just a perception. I have met men that have so much personal control that it is shameful for so many women that I know. But for some reason I can’t shake that thought from my head. Maybe because I have heard of so many brothers and uncles and fathers that have abused the children in their lives, or maybe it is because I have heard of male teachers and principals abusing the children in their lives or maybe it’s because when men are abused they often don’t tell anyone, they keep it secret, so many of us are not aware – and so we perpetuate the stereotype that the average abuser is a man. But that is not true and I know that for a fact in my head, but in my mind and in my actions, I guess I just have not accepted that…

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