(53) Remember God does not ordain loneliness – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Fifty-Three  (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Remember God does not ordain loneliness There are so many scriptures in the Bible where God calls us to separate ourselves for Him. To take some time out just spending time with Him. He wants us to be alone with Him, so we can quietly learn what He …

I Declare Today "Saint iyasO Day"

Good News y’all… The sin nature is DEAD!!! We (Christians) are NOT sinners saved by grace, we are NOT daily crucifying the sin nature…We are the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST (1 Corinthians 1:30). As soon as we give our lives to Christ we have a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17), sin nature is dead and was …

Wow! They're Married…So They Can Have Sex Now…

And just as the two (man and wife) become one, Christ and the Church also must become one. Marriage is a continuation of our commitment to serve God, to die to our desires and to enjoy the benefits of serving God and others. We must learn to serve, love and care for, our spouses even better than we care for the lost (unconditionally)! Marriage is an honorable thing (Hebrews 13:4) and we should look forward to it (if we are called to it), but let us not forget its purpose.

This is NOT how I will meet my Husband

Many times when we (Christians) expect to hear from God, we think that He will speak in an audible voice and he will say “Mary! stay away from him, or don’t do that!” But most times, God speaks to us in that small still voice. God is spirit, so He speaks to our spirit and our spirit speaks to us. We can hear from God either through a word of knowledge, where we just know something, and it doesn’t make sense that we know it. Other times He can speak through our spirit and we hear it in a first person voice, that we often think that we are speaking to ourselves, not knowing that it is God speaking to us.