Why we need you to have children even though this world is crazy

Here is an excerpt of an article I wrote recently: I never wanted to have children. I mean at some point I never wanted to be married, but I fluctuated between wanting to be married and wanting to remain single several times. But as far as having children, I never wanted to have children. I …

Ambassadors to the Nations 5 | iyasostuff.com

So now that you know more about ambassadors to the Nations, how can you help? You can sponsor a Child You can sponsor teachers, pastors, etc. You can sponsor shoes. Thank you all for your help 🙂 *** All contributions to the Ambassador’s Child Sponsorship Program are used to support the children’s needs.  None of the funds are used …

Book Review: This Little Prayer of Mine

Author: Anthony DeStefano Illustrator: Mark Elliott Format: Hardcover, 40 pages On Sale: February 16, 2010 Price: $12.99 ISBN: 978-0-307-45804-9 (0-307-45804-0) This book* is a really cute book. It shows the applicability of prayer to the life of a child. The pictures are very colorful, descriptive and attractive, and the words are very lyrical and God-focused. …