I know I know… you’re in shock! two posts in a row… well let’s just say I’ve had a bit of free time, and I’ve been thinking… and I thought I’d share… Anyway, so I was listening to this podcast and they were talking about how we usually focus on what we think is wrong …
Tag Archives: Life
Aaaaaaand We're back! Happy 2015
I know, I know…I’m late as usual, and January is almost over, well let me tell you, January has been a very interesting month for me… for those of you who don’t know, I was preggo for most of 2014, and (finally) had the baby in November… so let’s just say things have been very …
Temptation is always lurking
Temptation is always lurking, looking for access to your heart. You’re the only one that can protect your heart, because there will always be something that you can be discontented about. There will always be someone else out there that seems better in some regard. There will always be something that seems better. There will …
It's all temporary
Sometimes I forget that it’s all temporary. If I had known it would be the last letter or the last phone call I would get from my uncle, maybe I would have cherished it a bit more. If I had known it would be the last time I would hang out with some of my friends, …
It's just money
I was watching a movie the other day and there was this guy who gets “adopted” by an anonymous wealthy benefactor, and tells him (through the attorney) that he can buy anything he desires. And so this guy goes on a buying rampage – rents a place, buys expensive clothes, shoes, books, joins expensive clubs …
There's enough space in the sky
There’s enough space in the sky for all the birds that want to fly, and all the stars that want to shine, and there’s enough space at the top for the people that are willing to do the work. I’m often amazed at how quickly we hoard information, or try to jeopardize other people’s successes …
Life is not fair
When my ex (the one I wanted to marry) ended up getting married years before I did, I was angry and bitter. I felt that God wanted me to end the relationship, and since I (capital I) did the hard work of ending the relationship, I felt that I deserved to be married and happy …
Other People's secrets
If I told you some of my deepest secrets you would probably think I was very strange, or you would be glad to know that there was someone else in the world that shared your peculiarities, and then you would probably want to be my friend… We all have secrets, every single one of us. …
Worried? Change the station
worried? I’ve found myself worrying a lot lately. If there’s something to worry about, I’ll quickly begin worrying about it. If it’s something that can’t be solved, even better, because it means I can just keep thinking and worrying about it… It doesn’t matter what it is, cleaning the house, writing a blog post, safety …
father's day 2014
Happy Father’s day to my father, the best father any girl could have ever asked for. A man who knows how to help a girl transition through the awkward phases of life – girlhood, ladyhood, wifehood – and still let her know that she is beautiful and wonderfully made, and a joy to be around. …