Because he loves you – “For Women Only” (Book Review)

I use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because there are too two types of people in this world – those who can spell, and those who can’t. Wow! It’s been a while since I wrote a book review, but my friends you know that I have not stopped reading… I can’t stop reading, I just keep buying books… because …

He said "I will always love you" as he said goodbye – breakup

There are two types of breakups in this world – The girl’s perception of what happened, and the guy’s perception of what happened. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a mutual breakup. Nope someone always gets hurt, and sometimes it’s the one that’s doing the breaking up. I remember one ex …

I am a child of God – Prayer & meditation

Meditation: As I talked about in an earlier post, I’ve been working on praying more and spending more time with God. So the first truth I decided to meditate on was “I am a child of God.” It’s such a simple but extremely powerful truth… I was thinking about my Sister in law and my …

Do you have the impostor syndrome?

Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. – Joe Benjamin via Compfight Can I tell you a secret? yeah? okay here it goes… I’m a very very very blessed woman. Extremely blessed. Sometimes I feel like …

If it was up to God Whitney Houston would still be alive

I wrote a post on facebook recently that “if it was up to God Whitney Houston would still be alive” and I got mixed responses. The thing that pains me is that some people speculated that maybe her purpose in life was to bring people to Him through her funeral. This is why many non-christians …