People often ask how I get ideas for all the virtual summits I run. Well there are several ways that you can find an idea that is great. But one of my favorite ways of finding a great idea is using good old Google.

All you need to do is go to and check for an idea that you may be thinking about, maybe something that you are interested in.

For example for the book summit that I ran, what I did was to search on google for writing books.

But my focus wasn’t just on writing books but on using books to launch a business – generating different types of income through your books.

So I had to be creative in my search.


I also looked at what other people may be asking about making money with their book

And then finally I looked at how many results came up, because that helped me to determine whether people really care about this topic, whether there were a lot of people writing about this topic, and whether there were a lot of people researching this topic.

Now granted I don’t necessarily need millions of people to have a successful summit, but if there are hundreds of thousands interested in a topic, then if you can get access to at least a few thousand then you are on the right track.

So what are your thoughts and questions?

How do you find a topic for your virtual summit?