Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? | iyasostuff.com

Back in the day Doris Day popularized the saying “Que Sera, Sera – Whatever will be will be”…

Some people believe that life is just that easy, all you have to do is exist and life will work out exactly as it was supposed to be, others believe that life is evil and will never be satisfying…and then there are those of us (the sane ones) who know that:

life is meant to be purposefully enjoyed.

With that said, I am happy to announce that I will be passionately pursuing purpose and enjoyment this weekend!

Today and tomorrow I will be attending the Women of Faith Conference in good ole’ Charlotte, NC…if you’re going to be there, please wave at me if you see me…I will be the smiling one giddy with excitement…

If you can’t make it…I’m sorry to hear that…maybe we’ll see you next year…


Oh yeah I’ll keep you updated as the day goes!